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Top 4 Screen Recorders for Android in 2023

There were several free mobile apps for high-quality screen recording with review features available for Android devices .
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Top 4 Screen Recorders for Android in 2023

There were several free mobile apps for high-quality screen recording with review features available for  Android devices . Please note that app availability  and functionality may have changed since then, so I recommend checking the respective app stores for the most up-to-date information. Here are some  popular applications for this purpose:

Number 1 in Top 4 Screen Recorders for Android in 2023 is AZ Screen Recorder provides a user-friendly interface and allows you to record your screen in high quality. It also has built-in video editing and annotation tools to review and improve your recordings.


  1. Easy to use.
  2. High quality videos.
  3. NO watermark.
  4. NO time limit.
  5. Screen recording:
  6. This feature allows you to create stunning screen recording videos.  - Easily start/stop screen recording with control buttons.
  7. Pause/resume screen  recording at any time.
  8. Screen recording with mic audio.
  9. Screen recorder with internal audio.
  10. Show your face in a floating window with facecam.  - Save screen video as GIF.
  11. Draw on screen while recording screen. 
  12. Shake the device to stop screen recording.
  13. Transfer screen capture videos to computer via Wifi.

  • Google Play Rating:

        4 out of 5; 3,237,218 reviews

  • Benefits:

  1. Very easy to use and ideal for beginners.
  2. The built-in editor makes clip editing  easy.
  3. High-quality video and clear audio every time you shoot.

  • Inconvenient things:

  1. Some users have experienced errors with sound.

Number 2 in Top 4 Screen Recorders for Android in 2023 is Mobizen offers high-quality screen recording as well as the ability to add voice narration. You can also view and edit your recordings using the built-in video editor.


  1. Record clean screen  without  record button with Hide Air Circle mode!
  2. Free watermark-free screen recording using Clean mode!
  3. Not only FULL HD (FHD) screen recording but also QUAD HD (QHD, 2K) screen recording! Maximum supported recording quality ▷ Recording resolution 1440P, recording quality 24.0 Mbps, frame rate 60 fps
  4. Facecam function! Freely express your reactions  and record in-game sounds and voices together!
  5. Save to external memory (SD card)! Record  screen recordings longer than an hour without worrying about memory!
  6. Diverse image editing functions
  7. Increase  recorded video quality!

  • Only available at Mobizen

  1. Provides Auto-tap and Auto-swipe function!
  2. Highlight important points with the drawing function!
  3. Create your own watermark!
  4. Create GIFs and create  fun memes!
  5. Choose the type of air circle! (small type, time bar type, transparent type)

  •  Google Play Rating:

        4.6 out of 5; 1,560,145 reviews

  •  Benefits:

  1. A reliable and secure application
  2. Trusted by millions of users worldwide
  3. Good quality recording

  •  Inconvenient things:

  1. Watermark when using the free version

Number 3 in Top 4 Screen Recorders for Android in 2023 is DU Recorder is known for its easy-to-use interface and high-quality screen recording capabilities. It includes video editing tools for post-recording review.

  • Main features:

  1. Available in more than 20 languages.
  2. Different resolutions and frame rates to choose from.
  3. Built-in editor.
  4. Multiple resolutions, frame rates and bit rates available; Supports HD videos.
  5. Pause/resume screen recording.
  6. Activate the front camera (facecam).
  7. Record external sound.
  8.  Control screen recording via floating window or notification bar; Hide floating window for frameless videos.
  9.  Show mouse clicks when recording screen .
  10.  Shake the device to stop screen recording .
  11. Alternative storage location: Internal memory/SD card.
  12. Brush: Touch screen for drawing.
  13. Using a computer connected to Wi-Fi, download videos and screenshots to your computer.
  14.  GIF Maker: GIF Recorder helps you record your screen in GIF format.
  15. Direct creators: Live stream your screen to YouTube, Facebook and Twitch with DU Recorder.

  •  Softonic Rating:

        4.2 out of 5, 1169 ratings

  •  Benefits:

  1. Very easy to use.
  2. Useful editing features like cropping and merging.
  3. User-friendly interface.

  •  Inconvenient things:

  1. Not available on the Google Play Store so must be downloaded elsewhere.

Number 4 in Top 4 Screen Recorders for Android in 2023 is This app allows you to record your screen with or without the front camera overlay. It provides features to review and edit your recordings.
  • Main features:
  1. Record with 2 tools (default and advanced)
  2. Pause recording (requires advanced tools)
  3. Paint quickly with your favorite colors
  4. Use front or back camera while recording
  5. Set your text with full customization
  6. Set your banner with full customization
  7. Cut videos
  8. And  more!...
  •  Google Play Rating:
        4.3 out of 5; 232,865 reviews

  •  Benefits:

  1. Free to use without restrictions or watermarks.
  2. Suitable for beginners.
  3. Ideal for gaming videos.

  •  Inconvenient things:

  1. Some features are locked with in-app purchases.

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